Books for Young People

Literature is a great resource for helping small people through big challenges.  Here are just a few of the books I have used in my practice.  If you would like a recommendation for a specific type of difficulty, let me know and I will send you the title.  Come back often for new titles!

                        • Yesterday I Had the Blues by Jeron Frame: This is a great resource for helping children develop a vocabulary for talking about emotions.  The main character starts out with the blues but soon finds he has the greens, his sister has the pinks, his aunt has the indigos, and mama’s got the reds – watch out!
                        • The Blue Day Book for Kids by Bradley Trevor Grieve: This is a very cute and funny book about having a sad day and what you can do about it.  Just reading the book can help you out of a sad place!  There is a version for adults as well.  I highly recommend getting one for both the big and little people in the house.
                        • Mean Soup by Betsy Everitt: A story for young children about dealing with anger; after reading this book we always make the “mean soup” and cook our cares away.
                        • Just Kidding and My Secret Bully both by Trudy Ludwig: These books are by far my favorites for talking about rejection, bullying and teasing.  They have real problem solving strategies for dealing with very typical school age problems.
                        • The Don’t Give Up Kid by Jeanne Gehret: In this story, Alex is inventing a cookie snatcher, but his lack of reading skills and impatience means that he needs extra help. There are new discussion starters for parents and professionals, and positive solutions are presented to help build a positive image for the learning-disabled child.
                        • Wonder by R.J. Palacio is the story of a boy born with a facial deformity that, until now, has prevented him from attending school.  This book is a powerful tale of dealing with teasing and bullying, and finding personal strength.  This book is appropriate for older elementary school and middle school children; though it is equally enjoyed by teens and adults.

Something you’d like to see here?  Just ask!